Monday, 22 August 2011

Gears Of War 3 Opening Cinematic

Hey Josh here with some news on Gears Of War 3. So the guys over at Epic recently had a party to celebrate the fact Gears Of War 3 is now golden. Which for you people who live under those rocks would say "the game is done" They've started printing disks and boxes and will be sending some lucky sites early releases to share their views and Epic if your reading this? We want to be on that list you magnificent fuckers.I got to play the Beta for the multiplayer and it was as fun as ever but now i get to run up and impale people with shit which is slightly more cooler than hiding around a corner and shotgunning anyone who walks past.

So to celebrate the fact Gears Of War 3 is golden they have released the opening cinematic which follows a familiar voice and gives a face to the name/voice. Also it gives a brief recap for those of you who missed out on the other two games for whatever reason (which had better be a good one) Anyway here's the intro. Enjoy.

So there you go. Looks like the story is coming to a close and many questions will be answered. will the locust die? will the humans die? will everyone die? will Baird still piss me off to no end? and the biggest question for many. Will Carmine die?

Time will tell.

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