Hey Josh here bringing you our first Now Loading... To start things off i decided to visit a game i enjoyed a lot as a kid and now I'm an adult i can appreciate the story and all the effort put into the game.
Now the plot of Soul Reaver is that you are a vampire called Raziel who is a lieutenant for Kane who is a bad ass vampire looking for power. But when Raziel surpasses his master and grows a fancy new pair of wings Kane decides he should destroy Raziel before he gets too powerful and tries to overthrow him. Kane throws Raziels dying body into "the lake of the dead" ( a pit of souls that rip you apart for eternity) Ravaged by thousands of years of torture the lake has been emptied somehow and Raziel is back ( A bit slimmer and with a bit of a blue tint to him. and his lower jaw missing ) So he is awakened by a booming voice that says "Raziel You Are Worthy". So you spend the whole game hunting down Kane and getting revenge for your murder.
The game was easy to get into with the controls not being too complicated and an interesting way of replenishing health. When you killed an enemy you would remove your scarf and retrieve their souls in order to replenish your health. Now this is used in a lot of games but it was cool in soul reaver for 3 reasons
Your stealing the souls of fallen enemy's and that's just awesome.
Its one of the few chances you get to see Raziels face in the game. It took a bit or handy work with the camera but it was just cool to see him missing a lower jaw.
It makes Raziels sword glow blue
I for one would gladly welcome a brand new Soul Reaver game or even a HD remake of the original for Xbox. Another reason this game was awesome is the intro. now keep in mind this is 1999. The graphics hold up very well. Here's the intro for some of you younger readers.
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