Sunday 26 June 2011

Green Lantern Review

Hey, Chris here with a delayed Green Lantern review.

For many years now, DC has only had Superman and Batman when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters. Marvel on the other hand have released countless titles for properties such as Spiderman, X-Men and Iron Man. DC is looking for it's own Iron Man and this summer sees the release of Green Lantern. Is Green Lantern the lifeline DC and Warner Brothers needed for a new franchise? Short answer, no.

Green Lantern tells the story of cocky fighter pilot named Hal Jordan (Ryan "Creep" Reynolds). When an giant smoke cloud named Parallax kills Abin Sur (Temuera Morrison), a member of the Green Lantern Corps, an intergalactic space police. The Green Lantern ring chooses Hal Jordan as the successor. Hal is thrown into a world of rings, lanterns and aliens of all shapes and sizes. Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard and Tim Robbins turn up as Carol Ferris, Hector Hammond and Robert Hammond. Also, Mark Strong, Geoffrey Rush and Michael Clarke Duncan portray and lend voices to Green Lantern Corps members Sinestro, Tomar-Re and Kilowog.

Green Lantern has many problems. One of them being the script. It jumps in tone so many times. We have a serious scene on Oa mixed with a cheesy soap opera scene between Hal and his cousin, puke! It isn't a good film. It's more disappointing and frustrating than anything else. There are moments that work and these moments stand out, but they also bring the films problems to centre stage. With the plethora of Green Lantern comics, DC and Warner Brothers had an opportunity to create to something great. With this movie, there is so much potential. The fact they don't capitalise and jump the gun makes it frustrating and disappointing. After the second trailer I had so much hope for this film, it was more like the first trailer.

There are parts of the film that work, Ryan Reynolds is perfectly fine as Hal Jordan. Mark Strong is brilliant as Sinestro. The scenes on Oa look marvellous and the CG is spectacular. The action sequences are quite cool too, especially the last battle with Parallax in space. That was awesome!

A poor script, bland score by James Newton Howard, decent performances, cool action scenes and a story that has so many plot holes repeat viewing will make the film funnier, for all the wrong reasons. Green Lantern is a complete misfire. Warners Brothers were looking for there brightest day, this movie ended up being more towards a blackest night.




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