Friday, 20 May 2011

The Dark Knight Rises Bane Revealed

Hey Josh here with some big news. It seems the production team for The Dark Knight Rises have already been busy creating some images for fans to marvel at. It could be part of or the beginning of a viral campaign.

Here you go the first look of Tom Hardy as Bane. I'm very pleased with it but hopefully bane will  wear his traditional mask later on in the film just to please hardcore Bane fans. Hopefully Nolan will be making Bane as intelligent as he is in the comics and try to work his Nolan magic again and create another spectacular film.

Also can anyone else see something to the left of Bane? What do you think it is? A cat eye perhaps?

Comments in the usual place.


  1. He looks like one of the psycho's from bulletstorm with that mask


    Josh: yeah i can see what you mean with the mask
