Wednesday, 20 July 2011

The Amazing Spiderman Official Trailer

Hey Josh here with another comic book trailer. This time we get a look at the reboot of Spiderman.

The trailer got leaked a couple of days ago and we here didnt want to run the risk of it being pulled down and dissapointing you so we waited for a HD release online. Enjoy.

So there you have it. We are in store for a realistic, darker more serious Spiderman and i have to say im very excited. The trailer shows it is not just another Superhero film and is trying to give the charcter more of a back story. They have tried multiple things to get as far away from Raimi's Spiderman films as possible (web shooters, new costume, no mary jane) and its working. Gwen Stacey is not just a pretty face, she looks like she has an actual role in the story and the fact i noticed she is wearing an Oscorp labcoat made me slightly nerdgasm.

The first person scene looked slightly off but im guessing thats just to show off the 3D when its in theaters and to be honest i think its just something to be put in the trailer. (maybe the end scene with some new diologue)

So after a week of comic book movie security slip ups what with The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers and The Amazing Spiderman all being leaked within the same week we have to ask. Are we being to impatient for  our trailers let alone our films?

Comments below on the trailer and what you think.

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