Wednesday 6 April 2011

Greatest Videogame Franchise

Hey guys Josh here bringing you my top 13 gaming franchises. I'm giving you 13 because top 10's are everywhere and i like to give you guys a bit more.

So lets start things off with a bang. or should i say Crash ( I'm sorry even i shuddered at that joke )

13 Crash Bandicoot - Yes bad puns aside Crash Bandicoot has had his fair share of great games that we have all enjoyed. If you didn't spend hours breaking boxes and jumping over nitro boxes you had a deprived childhood. And lets face it any game series that has 17 titles under its belt is doing somethign right.

12 Spyro The Dragon - Released around the same time was a game called Spyro The Dragon. Now the same applies for this game if you missed out you had no childhood. Spyro was a great game with a good mix of game modes that varied from headbutting egg thieves in the ass to flying through hoops of fire. The character was loveable but every fan has to ask the queston. WHY HASNT SPYRO TURNED INTO A BIG AGG MOFO?. Also in case you where wondering spyro has had 12 games and has one on the way later this year.

11 Guitar Hero - Now guitar hero is on the list becaused it has helped usher in a new wave of gaming that i feel inspired the likes of the Wii and Kinnect because the level of interactivity was amazing. It got people to move around and was a great excuse to invite friends round and show off how good you are at pressing 5 buttons. HARDCORE!!.

10 World Of Warcraft - Now before you little troll fucks get agitated and say "WORLD OF WARCRAFT IS ONE GAME FAGGOT" Hear me out. WOW has been through 3 expansions:

  • The Burning Crusade
  • Wrath Of The Lynch King
  • Cataclysm 
Personally i have never played WOW and never intend on playing it because i enjoy playing other games and i know i would get too addicted so I'm just avoiding it completely in order to keep my small social life intact.

9 Street Fighter - Now we have all played a 2D fighting game at some point and to me Street Fighter has to be the best and most original. Where Mortal Kombat focuses on gore and violence Street Fighter is more stylish and the focus is on the cool combos and outrageous characters.

Also i have to add when asked if Street Fighter was going to be included in the list this was my reaction.

8 Final Fantasy - Any list of gaming franchises isn't complete without Final Fantasy being mentioned. Now the Final Fantasy franchise is one of the biggest franchises in the world and has an army of fans worldwide. Also it has a list of games that are unique in their own way and make the story that bit more interesting. The change in direction for the game moving into a more futuristic look in Final Fantasy VI. But for a franchise that has 28 games in it has to be included.

7 Zelda - The Zelda games are one of my favourite franchises. I enjoyed the classic 2D games with a story that made no sense and i enjoyed the 3D versions just as much. Ocarina Of Time was a brilliant game that helped open the doors that brought the classic 2D characters to a more modern 3D platform.

6 Metal Gear Solid. - Now i cannot thank my cousin enough for introducing me to this game all those years ago. The story was too complicated for me to grasp back them but the game play had me completely immersed. The mix of great storytelling great game play and a developer with a great sense of humour that allows you to point a gun at a Russian guards crotch and make him dance for you to collect his rations. Also the fact its coming to the Xbox has influenced my choice of where to put it on the list.

Resident Evil - The Resident Evil franchise is one of the most successful creating 15 games on multiple platforms (including the reboot for the original) and 5 Movies that are about as good as steaming crap. The classic games where the scariest games i have played to this day and was the first game i got with my original PlayStation. The zombies where slow, the advertisements where blatant, the camera views where awkward, the voice acting was terrible.......AND I LOVED IT!. I pride myself on playing every resident evil game and cannot wait for the release of Code Veronica X and Resident Evil 4 on the Xbox 360.

4 GTA - Everybody has fond memories of the GTA games. Whether it was the first time you stole a car or the first time you killed a prostitute because you wanted your money back the games always had that tongue in cheek feel to them. The classic birds eye view was great but it was no match for running around the city and causing chaos first hand. The stories are different every time and all of the games have their own little hints and homages to films that have clearly influenced them. 

3 Halo - Now if it was up to me i would make Halo king of video games. It was so influential to so many games now and most people don't even realise it. It lit the way for online multi player games and most multi player games in general with LAN parties becoming the place to be in 2001. Now with a list of amazing games, books, toys and a popular web series I'm sure you have all seen. (RED VS BLUE SEASON 9 COMING LATER THIS YEAR)  P.S. I love that show. Halo I and every other gamer salute you for your contribution to this world.

2 Pokemon - I don't care how old you are, where you live, how poor you are  EVERYBODY has played Pokemon for at least 10 hours of their life. The games are all the same but everybody wanted them. (Personally i had Red and Yellow) and everybody saw the bike as a blessing from God and high grass as the Devil fucking with your perfect day. Now most people think Ash is the main character but they would be mistaken. You play as a trainer called Red who was bad ass and not a little pussy who game away all his coolest Pokemon when the finally evolved. The Pokemon games are living testament for the phrase "if it ain't broke don't fix it" The game play is the same as it was all those years ago and the graphics haven't changed much aswell. Here's to you Pokemon. You deserve to be here. 

Question : Did anyone give their rival a normal name?

1 Super Mario - Yeah you guessed it the number 1 gaming franchise is Mario. That little angry Italian plumber has worked his way through the drain pipes and into our hearts somehow. I loved the original Game boy Mario in black and white (or Green and Grey) and i love the Mario today. His record of amazing games spans longer than any other. The classic side scroller had people throwing their giant grey bricks on the floor in frustration over a little turtle.

So there you have it my list of the greatest gaming franchises EVER. If I've missed your favourite out you can be wrong in the comment box below. Thanks guys.

1 comment:

  1. Mortal kombat kicks street fighters ass.
