Monday 14 March 2011


Hello Programmes, Josh here bringing you an update from the grid.

Now i wanted to post the video but Disney have been spoil sports and took the video off every main site. If you want to look for it its called "The Next Day".  

Just wanted to bring you an update about the Tron series. As a few of you might of seen a 10 minute video was leaked from the Blu Ray copy of Tron Legacy and it showed a few interesting scenes. It followed the whole story of Tron Legacy but changed the view of it and made it look like a documentary following the Encom employees and their struggle with losing Flynn and their jobs. The video is mainly based on a character called. Wait for it "Zack Attack"  *sigh*. So "Zack Attack" is a clear Banksy clone who hacks into the Encom systems in the late 80's Early 90's in a  bid to get the CEO's to listen to his message "Flynn Lives". This sparks an anonymous style cult following and the phrase Flynn Lives is seen everywhere. We then skip ahead a few years and we see Kevin Flynn's son has picked up the movement and annually steps into the light and ruins an Encom presentation and reminds the now corrupt company of their biggest shareholder. After we get a back story of Sam we cut to "Zack Attack" finding out that Encom are closing in on him he starts to close down shop and raises a very makeshift looking Light Disk (the weapons in Tron) and it starts to glow as he raises it slightly.

Suddenly...... the light is turned on and Alan (aka tron) the now CEO of Encom approaches "Zack Attack" who is revealed to be a previous Encom employee who is out to return it to its former glory of the 80's. It is also revealed that he is RAM from the original tron. Alan offers Ram his former position at Encom and promises it will be the company Flynn wanted it to be, the two shake hands and the scene ends. We are then greeted by a news reporter explaining how Sam Flynn (Tron Legacy's main character) is releasing a statement. He pulls up on his bad ass bike and when asked for a statement he rips open his jacket and the words "Flynn Lives" are revealed. Yes Sam is bringing back the trend of Flynn Lives and spreading the message again to a new generation. And starting a new viral campaign for the next tron film.

So what do you guys think? personally i think its a good start to a viral campaign and it may generate some online buzz a lot like The Dark Knight did. Leave your thoughts in the box below. And remember FLYNN LIVES!

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