Tuesday 22 March 2011

In Brightest Day.....And Blackest Night..... Let No Side Character Stay Out Of Sight

Hey guys Josh here giving you some news on the green lantern movie coming out soon. Now as I'm sure our comic book fans are aware Green Lantern is full of characters who are all unique and interesting. So how are they going to fit all of these characters in a film based on Hal Jordan? i hear you ask, well where most companies would just cut them out altogether Warner Bros have embraced all that Green Lantern has to offer and had their concept designers working overtime. So I'm here to bring you a rundown of the lanterns you can expect to see in the Green Lantern

  1. Hal Jordan - Very Obvious but yeah Hal is the lantern were going to be seeing the most of in his Reynolds glory (Ryan Reynolds is my man crush)
  2. Abin Sur - Now for those of you who don't know Abin Sur is the alien who gives Hal the power ring after crash landing on earth after getting spooked by a prophecy 
  3. Sinestro - Yes sinestro is going to be in the film and by the sounds of things hes going to be a big part of the story. He will show Hal everything about being a lantern and how to master his ring oh and he also he turns into Hals greatest foe. Well when you give a guy called "SINESTRO" unbelievable power you can expect trouble. 
  4. Killowog - Yes the brute of the lanterns has a role in this movie. not sure if its a major impact but hey its nice to see the big guy on screen. 
  5. Tomar Re - Well Tomar-Re isn't my favourite lantern but hes pretty important to the lantern universe and its nice they included him so I'm not going to complain.
The next ones in the list are basically filler characters but if you like the comics or just want to know whose included read on and be amazed.

  1. Apros - Well Apros is basically a product of what would happen if a jellyfish and a pumpkin has a kid
  2. Boodika - Now Boodika is an interesting character. she doesn't effect the lantern story lines a lot but she occurs a lot in them and is in the thick of most the story lines. Also this is before the Alpha lantern version so she looks hot.
  3. Bzzd - Bzzd is an insect lantern..............moving on
  4. Galius Zed - Galius Zed is one of the more outspoken of the lanterns and has a very distinguishable giant head.
  5. G'hu - G'hu is a bit of a bad ass. in the comics he is the guard on Takron-Galtosand he got taken prisoner by the inmates. When the other lanterns got his distress call and arrived they found he had already taken down the inmates holding him hostage. 
  6. Hannu - Now we are onto my favourite support lantern. Hanny doesn't use his ring in fights because he believes it is needed and if all else fails. So hes the lanterns biggest of the bad asses. 
  7. Iolande - Now she is more based in the Guy Gardener lantern story's but still its nice shes included. 
  8. Isamot Kol - He killed his commanding officer because he was willing to surrender the war. The lanterns got wind and made him one of them. 
  9. Larvox - Reffer to Bzzd
  10. M'Dahna - M'Dahna is more of a recent lantern who was a part of the Blackest Night story and fought in some main battles.
  11. Medphyll - Medphyll is a decent lantern who has been there for some major events. the most impressive has to be when he went to the anti matter universe to fight the anti green lanterns.
  12. Mogo - Mogo is pretty fucking cool because...hes a planet. He is probably the most influential character in any Green Lantern story because he decides where the ring goes after its host dies.
  13. Morro - Morro is basically the grim reaper of the green lanterns. he even comes with the scythe and creepy hood. he is in charge of guarding all of the dead lanterns on OA.
  14. Naut Kie Loi - Is a space fish. 
  15. Rot Lop Fan - Rot Lop Fan is a lantern who lived in the void of space where there was no light so his recuruiter came up with a plan. He told Rot Lop Fan to imagine a symphony and the chord F sharp. This allowed him to control his ring so he now has a bell on his chest rather than the lantern logo and believes he is part of the F sharp lantern corps. 
  16. Slakk - Slakkis a bit of a loner and a pessimist but is good friends with Tomar Re. 
  17. Stel - Stel strange to explain he is not biological but at the same time isn't mechanical. he was also trained by Sinestro. 
So there you have it. a breakdown of the lanterns you can expect to see later this year when you go to see Green Lantern.
Comments below about what characters have been included and what ones you think should be included.

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